We've been completely overwhelmed with the response that CRAYON has received and we are truly appreciative of all the positive comments you've sent us.
We don't mean to brag, but here's a history of CRAYON's awards, announcements, and publicity.
- March 16, 1995: comp.internet.net-happennings
- March 16: comp.infosystems.www.announce
- March 17: Mario's Pick of the Week
- March 23: UK Guardian - Jack Schofield's NetWatch column in the OnLine section
- March 29: NewsBytes - cited in Computer Currents
- April 2: "Web Site of the Week"
- April 3: NCSA What's New Page
- April 6: Info World Critchely report on eWorld
- April 7: NetWorks Funky Site of the Day
- April 14: Interview with Will Gearhart from some L.A. Radio Station (did anybody hear this?)
- April 18: Netscape's "What's Cool"
- April 21: Spider's Pick of the Day
- April 23: Seeress' Vision
- April 27: Washington Post CyberSurfing feature Page D7 - Home Delivery
- April 28: The Scout Report
- May 2: Eva's Pick of the Week
- May 3: Reuters Wire Service
- May 10: Albany Times Union - "Cool Website of the Week"
- May 14: John Byczkowski's (syndicated Cincinnati Enquirer writer) column - cited in The Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, OH.
- May 16: Bucknell University Press Release
- May 28: Dave Farrell's (syndicated Detroit News writer) column - cited in The Concord Monitor, Concord, NH.
- June 2: The Chronicle of Higher Education
- June 22: James Derk's (syndicated Evnasville Courier writer) column - cited in The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, IN.
- July 28: BATech Catch of the day
- July 30: Blue Plate Special Web Pick of the Day
- August 7: Marshall's Hot links pick of the Week - Writeup
- September: Internet World - "News Paperless" by Reid Goldsborough
- October: TV Internet (Japanese TV show)
- October: PointCom Review - Top 5% of all Web sites
- October: Internet Magazine, p. 67
- October 19: Get Out Magazine (in St. Louis Post-Dispatch) - Stay In column by James Cook
- October 26: The Online Bucknellian - "CRAYON makes news interactive" p. 1
- November 30: Rolling Stone - "Frequently asked questions about the World Wide Web", p. 27
- December: Living Digital (magazine on Prodigy)
- December: ABA (American Bar Association) Journal - "News of the World Now on the Internet", p. 83
- December: Magellan (McKinley's Internet Directory) Featured site
- December 10: The Seattle Times - Personal Technology Section
- January, 1996: NetGuide Magazine, p. 134. 4-star rating.
- January 3: CRAYON is released at http://crayon.net
- January 15: Mr. Media - "Forest Green"
- January 25: The Daily Northwestern's WebExtra - "CRAYON delivers the future of newspapers"
- February 11: Hit the Beach!'s Wave of the Day
- February: Telecommunications Magazine
- March: Websight Magazine Hot pick for News and Weather
- March 3: Net Surfin' Selected Surf Spot
- March 4: Bald Guy's Cool Multimedia Site of the Week
- March 11: Web Pioneer "FamilyClick of the Week"
- April 17: AdZe's Cosmic Site of the Night
- July 15: WebPointers Revew - "Organizing Your Files? Get Out the Crayon!"
- July 15: Blue Web'n Hot Site of the Week
- July 20: Review in The Economist
- July 27: Review on Philadelphia TV station
- August: The Virginian-Pilot (We're the " Northern Virginia Internet-services company" and the page is our Cool Cool Site of the Day of the Day).
- August 3: WWW Platinum Selection
- August 8: Cool Tool
- August 9: MACWORLD Expo/Your Personal Net NetBest Award in the News & Money Category
- August 11: The Washington Post - "It's the Personal Touch That Counts on the Internet", p. F21
- August 14: Access to the World Cool Link of the Week
- September: Fast Company- "All the news that fits you" p. 130
- September 2: Mr. Media - Lookin' for something cool.
- September 9: Scholastic Electronic Learning's Top Ten web sites
- September 21: Internet Roadkill - IRK Award
- October: Discovery Channel's Cyberlife: (5.5 MB QuickTime movie)
- October: Suite 101- Best of Web
- November: CyberTeddy!- Top 500 WebSite Award
- December: HOME PC Magazine (Brazil) - p. 30
- January 1: YPN Top 100 sites of 1996
- January 1: NetGuide Platinum Site
- January 13: BusinessWeek - Best New Products/Web Sites
- January 29: WorldVillage - Family Site of the Day
- February: MacWorld: "All News, All the Time" p. 173
- February: Luckman Interactive - 4-Star Award
- March 30-April 5: Scenic Site of the Week
- August: PC World: Best of the Net
- August 21: The Wall Street Journal: Personal Technology - "Here's an Easy Way to Get Rid Of Annoying Browser Promos
- October 15: Snap! Online Best of the Web

"Fueled by the enormous growth of the Web and the steadily rising cost of paper, the future of daily newspapers has been a hot topic lately. Consequently, editors have been rushing to adapt their newspapers to the Internet. For the most part, though, Web editions of the dailies simply mirror their print cousins. Enter Crayon. This ambitious site allows the online media junkie to customize his own personal newspaper. By providing a host of news-related links, Crayon places U.S. and local news, weather, business, sports, arts, entertainment and even the comics, at one's fingertips. And by keeping resources as diverse as the Associated Press news wire and ex-MTV VJ Adam Curry's Guide to Cybersleaze in one convenient place, Crayon makes the wealth of information drifting through cyberspace personable, and more importantly, manageable."
- April 14, 1998: Netsurfer Digest Vol 4, #14
- April 16, 1998: The New York
Times "A
Free Personal Shopper for Internet News Hounds" by
J. D. Biersdorfer
- Spring 1999: NetSchools Resources for Special Education Teachers - Top Special education web site.
- Summer 2000: Community Newspaper Publishers - Cool web site, "noteworthy site for your surfing pleasure".
- February 2000: Center for Women and Enterprise - Top News Clipping Service
- September 2000: Library of Congress - Top Personalized News Resource.
- January 2001: HomeSchool Top 100 Web Site
- Summer 2001: Media Awareness Network - Fave Sites Archives
- March 2002: The New York City Board of Education - Top Links for Educators
mail us if you've seen CRAYON mentioned somewhere else.
Of course, if you really want to reward us, cash prizes will not be refused. :-)